In research on Bircza, I have come across many useful lists of residents, survivors, and more. These lists are of great use to genealogists and other researchers. I have organised as best I can and posted them here. Browse the lists by using the index at right, rather than scrolling down, since some of the lists are larger and are located on separate pages. Some, like the commerce listings, were donated graciously by various individuals, whom I thank for their kind help. Likewise, if you have information, please share it with the rest of the Bircza researcher community by contacting me.
Looking for a different list? See the list index at the column to the right. →
This list was compiled by a group of yōts’ay Bircza (community survivors) around 1967. Considering the fact this list was created 40 years ago, updating it has been challenging, although I have tried to correct the residency (or living) information as best I could. Note, however, that all survived the war and most were living in Israel during 1967. Furthermore, the list is written in Hebrew; I have transliterated it below, but added the Hebrew, as well, since transliteration from Hebrew notoriously varies and since the nature of Hebrew makes it difficult to guess the vowelisation of unfamiliar names (eg, Engelard could be Anglerd, Anglered, Angelerd, and so forth). Finally, many new immigrants in Israel either married or Hebraïcised their names. Thus, their original (birth) names are in parentheses.
Please contact me with any comments, suggestions, or mistakes you may find—in particular, please send more names to add to this list. If you know the name of a survivor from the Bircza area, please send me their information.
Nota bene: The list includes street addresses, occupations, telephone numbers, and other personal information that I have chosen not to list on this page for security reasons. However, if you contact me regarding a specific individual, I will be happy to help put you in touch with them. Certainly, if you are on this list and would like to update your information, please let me know. To view the original list (in Hebrew), modified only to remove contact information, click here (PDF).