Despite Bircza’s small size and relative obscurity, I have come across a number of maps of this area in the course of my genealogy work. One map, a military-scale map of the Dobromil Region (Pas 50 Słup 35) printed in 1938 by the Wojskowy Instytut Geograficzny, is undoubtedly the most precise and most valuable. I have scanned the relevant parts and broken them up into sections which one can view below, and which can always be accessed by the ‘interactive map’ menu on the right sidebar of every page on the Bircza Online website.
A number of useful contemporary maps are available at the official Bircza website’s
map page. These and other maps are listed on the right side of this page and clicking on the name will load the map. Please remember that these maps are reproduced here for private genealogy use, since many are copyrighted by their makers and cannot be used for commercial use.
My grandfather, Jonas Lewental, set his recollections of Bircza to paper, drawing a thorough outline of the Bircza area in 1941, as he remembers it, including resident’s names and stores. Other yōts’ay Bircza are requested to do the same, so that Bircza, as it was before the Holocaust, can be remembered here forever. Please send me maps or other recollections of the town by emailing
Fellow Bircza researcher Chris Wozniak visited Bircza in 1998, and drew a diagramme of Bircza on his computer, showing the basic plan of the town. The map below is useful because it is very useful for pinpointing locations of pictures taken in the Bircza area and identifying the basic makeup of the town today. For more information on the map, please contact me or Chris.